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jamaicancrocodile's avatar

Literature Text

I looked at the few kids that were in the facility with me. They all had something wrong with them but I wasn’t weird like them. I know what I see is real and I know that the people I talk to are there. I wondered why the men kept yelling at me all the time. I didn’t want to play with the other kids…
“You look lonely.” I turned around and another little boy looked at me. “You wanna be my friend?”

The months went by and by month five, I was very large. I could hardly button my pants anymore and as part of the deal for Heron, I wasn’t allowed to get anything bigger. My hips had widened and were very sore as I waddled my way out of the room. I put my hand on my back to steady myself and finally made it to the kitchen. Mom looked at me with a small smile.
“You look tired, sweetheart.”
“I’m carrying around this child. It’s heavy.”
“You should probably make an appointment with an obstetrician to see how the little guy is doing.”
“How am I going to do that? I’m a guy, Mom.”
“I’ll make it for you if you want…”
“No thanks.”
“Ivan, you need to check up on the baby and make sure that it’s alright. Besides, I think you’re big enough that they will be able to see what you’re having.”
“If you make the appointment then I’ll do it, okay? I don’t care when it is or whatever. I just… want to be normal again.”
Mom just smirked at me. “Ivan, you’ve never been normal.”
“I know but… not the way I am now.”
She smiled again and rustled my hair. The maid gave me some eggs and I began to eat. Heron came into the room and sat next to me. Her eyes widened at me and looked at my stomach.
“Holy shit! You’re huge!”
“Heron.” Mom chastised.
“Sorry but I mean… He’s really big for someone only about three or four months.”
“According to the tome under the house,” Krimsin said, coming into the room. “It said that the Fae have a shorter gestation period than humans.”
“When did you read the tomes?” Mom asked, kissing Krimsin on the lips.
He smiled. “The other day. I wanted to understand what you guys saw and I came across some things in regards to what’s happened here. It also said that only Pixxys have the ability to make a male pregnant.”
“Yeah, Vexus told me something about that.” I said.
“From what I gathered, a male or female Pixxy can mate with anything and make anything pregnant if it wanted to. According to the tome, Pixxys are not the nicest of the beings of Fae, being the most malevolent and disruptive, and actually carry specific genes in their DNA that makes things chaotic, hence, Ivan’s pregnancy.”
“Vexus said something about Spryts and Pixxy mixes.”
“Exactly. Even if you were raped by a female Pixxy, she would make you pregnant because she was performing the act and you did not protest. Thus, chaos immediately ensues.”
“Can we not talk about Ivan’s rape at the table? I mean, seriously, this family is so weird.” Heron said, poking her food.
“What? I thought this would be a fun thing for you to add to the rumors.” I said to her.
“I don’t need to make rumors anymore since you’re showing plainly now.”
“You two need to hurry up and eat. And I’ll make an appointment for you, Ivan…”
I nodded and then me and Heron got in the car to go to school.
“Hey, where’s your friends? You’ve been with other people for a while now.”
“I have no idea. Something happened with Russ and he got all hot then Sinth stopped coming to school. Russ hasn’t been coming either… I have no idea what’s going on.”
I shrugged as we went to the school.

Mom got me an appointment at the obstetrician’s and took me after school. As we walked in, she went to the counter to get the paperwork for me. As I sat there, I looked around and my eyes fell on a young girl that was sitting a little way from me. I recognized her…
“Sinth?” I asked loud enough for her to hear me.
She turned and gasped, turning away. I frowned a little and waddled myself over to her.
“You can’t ignore me in a small space, Sinth.” She sighed and turned around. “There…”
“Are you going to tell the school about this?”
“No… I’m not my sister… Wait, are you pregnant?”
“Yeah… I found out about three days ago. I have no idea how this happened. I swear I’ve…” She leaned closer to me and whispered, “I’ve never had sex before.”
I pulled back and made a face at her. “Bullshit.”
“I swear! I swear on God himself that I am a virgin… well, as far as I know. In other words, until three days ago, I wasn’t pregnant. Now? I’m pregnant. Like instantly or something. It’s so weird.”
“Willingham?” a nurse called.
Sinth smiled at me a little. “See ya sometime.”
She got up and headed to the back door of the obstetrician. I sat next to Mom as she handed me the paperwork I needed to fill out. I looked at the name of the doctor and kind of frowned.
“Dr. Blackmoor?”
“What’s wrong with him?”
“Nothing… just seems like a weird name is all.”
“Just fill out your paperwork.”
I took the pen and filled in all the blanks it asked for.
Several minutes later, I went to the back and the nurse looked at me with a strange look. She weighed me and I wanted to cry at the number that she told me but I knew it was because of the baby. I went to a room and she asked me a series of questions, all with a speculatory look. I know she was confused at what exactly was happening but I just answered her questions and was going to leave the asking up to the doctor. I waited about ten minutes before a man that was about my mom’s age or a little younger came in and smiled at us both.
“Hello, Mr. Cumberhill. My nurse tells me that we have a strange case here?” He answered his own question by looking at my distended stomach and he nodded like I was nothing new. “I see… How far along are you, Mr. Cumberhill?”
“Five months.”
“May I ask how this happened?”
“I… I don’t really know. I was r-raped and then this happened. From the front… so…”
The doctor just nodded like this was standard procedure and put the pen on his ear, setting the clipboard aside and going over to a machine.
“This is a sonogram machine. We’ll just take a little look at your baby when the sonographer gets here. I’m just going to do a general check up of you while we wait, alright?”
I nodded and he looked me over for a second when a man walked in and looked at me. He had a really bad burn mark on his face but he shrugged and turned the machine on to look at me. He squeezed some gel onto some sort of wand and turned around on the rolling stool.
“Lift your shirt for me.” I did as he asked and he stuck the wand on me. “Get ready cuz there will be all sorts of sounds coming out of here.”
He flipped a switch and whooshing sounds filled the room as well as a steady thump, thump. I looked over at the screen as the man moved the wand around.
“Well, good news is the baby is alright. Bad news looks like it’s pretty close to your appendix. Hopefully she doesn’t get too close to that and kick it…”
“Yup, it’s a little girl. See?” He moved the wand to show where her legs were and where there was no indication of a penis. “Little girl.”
“What are those?” I asked, pointing.
There were two weird looking clear things that were on her back and the sonographer turned his head at that.
“Not sure… we’ll have to have a closer look to understand that.” He typed in a couple of keys and looked around some more. “Obviously this is not normal, but it looks like the baby is in her own little sack of some sort but she is very dangerously closer to major organs. You’re a miracle, Mr. Cumberhill.”
“Thanks.” I mumbled.
He turned the machine off and smiled at me.
“Congratulations, Mr. Cumberhill, on your new baby girl.”
I rolled my eyes but it was nice to know what it was.

I got home and laid on my bed, thinking about what happened at the obstetrician’s office. Finding out I was having a girl, seeing Sinth there, the doctor and the sonographer’s reaction to me… It was all very odd. I sighed when my phone rang and I picked it up.
“Is this Mr. Cumberhill?”
“Yes, this is he.”
“Transferring Patient 11TK, Ape Wheat, to Patient 798V, Fish Tree.”
The phone suddenly began to ring again and I frowned at the phone. I knew it was going to Kennington’s room but how did he call out? How was he doing it at all?”
“Hello, Cumberhill.” Kennington said on the other end of the phone.
“How did you call out? How did you even find my number?”
“I know how to do a lot of things that people think I’m incapable of. Heard about your lovely baby girl; how sweet.”
I blanched at the phone. “H-How did you know?”
The laugh he gave over the phone wasn’t a pleasant one.
“I know a lot of things about you, Cumberhill. More than you think I do.”
“Kennington, how did you get my number?”
“I’m waiting for you, Ivan.” I froze. “I’m waiting for you to do what you promised me. Toodle-loo.”
He hung up and I began to shake. Something was wrong. I felt like something had just passed through that phone that was not friendly. It felt angry and sadistic. It was powerful. But what got me the most was that he knew my first name… In the facility, no patient knew the other patient’s first name at any given time; so how did he know mine?
so he's having a baby girl! what will he name her? and there was a secret cameo in there too :giggle: there are some othr people too but they will be later. and what's up with kennington, huh?
© 2014 - 2024 jamaicancrocodile
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ElviraTepes's avatar
It's remy's cousin! What's his damn name... someting with an a... Avery?